Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe



Women's Wellness - Weight Loss - Wisdom


  • Natural Wellbeing

    26/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    Our natural state is one of wellbeing... Your natural state is one of good health and if you're experiencing anything else, change your focus When we are worried about being well, we are actually focusing on being sick instead of getting better Thinking ourselves well may sound cliche', but it can definitely help in overcoming any illness We have the mental capacity to look at an illness in a different way to we can have healthier thoughts Do things that are geared towards helping yourself feel better and finding solutions can help us heal Use love and compassion to feel your way through your illness or a loved one's illness See and feel yourself as already healed using visualizations and by remembering your healthy self Always look deeper into the energetic blocks that might be preventing you from feeling better Watch the video below to hear my stories of "hormone hell" and how I regained my natural wellbeing For weekly wellness, wellbeing and intuitive guidance sessions, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom C

  • HFS – Guest Heather Fletcher

    17/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    This Health Freedom Series video is with special guest Heather Fletcher... Heather is a former air traffic controller and dynamo mother of 3 and a big proponent of medical choice When the pandemic hit she went along with some of the protocols, but got suspicious of the narrative After looking into things further, she noticed all of the media saying the same thing over and over It took her awhile to awaken, but once she did, she started to research and question everything Heather uncovered many things that didn't seem to line up with what the media was saying There is plenty of data available, but it isn't being given to the public who has a right to see it all Watch the video to learn how Heather decided to fight for health freedom and right to choose! For weekly wellness, wellbeing and intuitive guidance sessions, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom Circle at lisampepe.com/groupcoaching. If you would like a personal coaching session, go to lisampepe.com/individualcoaching. In the mean time, watch my video bel

  • Relax Into Wellbeing

    11/03/2022 Duration: 13min

    We're never too busy to relax into wellbeing... We are constantly in motion doing things in our life and all of this "doing" can totally stress us out When you stop for a few seconds and take a deep breath, you can relax back into your wellbeing You have to turn the chaos of life off once in awhile to stay calm and centered in your true self The more we spin out and grind the wheel without taking a break, the more negatively it affects us Appreciation is also a good way to open up the flow of good and positive energy into your life Don't over-complicate your ability to relax into your wellbeing at any time - Keep it simple Step back and regroup to focus on your wellbeing as often as you can throughout the day You are always in complete control of your thoughts and can shift them at any time Stop, take a deep breath and re-focus to relax into wellbeing! For weekly wellness, wellbeing and intuitive guidance sessions, please join my Wellbeing Wisdom Circle at lisampepe.com/groupcoaching. If you would like a p

  • HFS – Say No To V Cards

    04/03/2022 Duration: 21min

    Showing a card or a pass does not prove a person is not sick... We need to take a closer look at the real reason they want to implement a v-card or v-pass system Those that want to put them in place say the main reason is to encourage people to get their "shots" Whether you choose to get the c19 "shots" or not, a v-pass doesn't prove that you don't have a "contagion" I hear many governing bodies making decisions based on their viewpoint or agendas and instead of health People who got the "shots" have still gotten sick and have been allowed to go to restaurants/bars while ill Excluding people based on their c19 shot status is illogical, divisive and, thankfully, is being lawfully challenged Think about where this could go if every entity has access to your health records and can exclude you on a whim Please do your own research on it and know that there are underlying reasons for a digital v-pass system We must maintain our medical freedoms and the ability to choose what we put into our body, always! For we

  • Reach For A Better Thought

    03/03/2022 Duration: 17min
  • No On The Negative

    17/02/2022 Duration: 13min

    When you focus on what you don't want, you attract it to you... When you find things to shout "NO" at, shout briefly so as not to attract more of it to you Don't focus on what you don't want... Learn from it and decide what you do want  Be aware of complaining and negative thoughts so you can analyze it and shift to what's positive Find the good in everything so you can switch from a negative to a more positive view Take baby steps in moving your attention from the "bad" to the "good" aspects of any situation Always look inside of yourself to determine why you are seeing something as a negative You can't control everything outside of you, but you can control how you look at things! For a more in depth discussion on this or other wellness or wellbeing topics, please sign up for a personal coaching or card reading session with me by going to lisampepe.com/coaching. https://www.lisampepe.com/coaching In the mean time, watch my video below for details on how to stop focusing on the negative... 

  • Practicing All Is Well

    10/02/2022 Duration: 12min

    Practice saying the "All is Well" mantra to stay calm in crazy times... We all go through many tribulations in life and it's always best to stay centered and stable When you can take a moment to remind yourself "All Is Well, you can find moments of peace in chaos Sometimes we have to understand that things are where they should be at a given moment in time Life is full of ups and downs, but we have to ride the wave and try to enjoy it as much as we can We must try to stay as energetically well as possible to rationally handle situations No matter how frustrated, angry, sad or overwhelmed you are, it's up to you how much peace you can find Take a time out and breathe so you can reassure yourself that "All Is Well" for you as much as you can Practicing "All Is Well" mantras can help us get through even the toughest times Think of it as a gift you can give yourself anywhere and any time of day! For a more in depth discussion on this or other wellness or wellbeing topics, please sign up for a personal coaching

  • Emotions And Guidance

    29/01/2022 Duration: 13min

    Our emotional guidance system is a part of our inner knowing.. Use your emotions to guide you every day so you can make better decisions in your life When you think about a situation and you have a vibrational emotion, you feel your way through it Always try to reach for the next thing you can do to move through and raise an emotion like sadness I find that rationalizing a challenging emotion and discovering how or why I might feel that way really helps  Feeling good about things usually means you're on the right track... But look deeper to find the mixed emotions Sort through different emotions and use the vibrational scale to determine the best path you can take  Use and direct your emotions by making adjustments as you go so you can lead a happy healthy life! For a more in depth discussion on this or other wellness or wellbeing topics, please sign up for a personal coaching session with me by going to lisampepe.com/coaching. https://www.lisampepe.com/coaching In the mean time, watch my video below for m

  • Controlling Others

    22/01/2022 Duration: 09min
  • HFS – Medical Protocols

    21/12/2021 Duration: 36min

    Health Freedom Series...  Beware of one size fits all medical protocols that may harm you! Most hospitals care more about their bottom line than they do about helping patients these days Corporate Hospitals can hinder patient-doctor relationships and deter individualized treatments Many times the corporately chosen protocol is not right for the person being treated and must be reconsidered I, myself, have had a few close calls with medication protocols that were administered to me Always advocate for yourself or designate an advocate that can speak for you in the hospital You might want to wear a bracelet or carry a card that lists your allergies, sensitivities and medical history Health freedom and choice must remain intact for everyone so we don't fall prey to medical tyranny Just because you can take a certain medication or procedure, it does not mean someone else can Stand up for the right to medical choice before they come after you with a protocol that harms you This video is not meant to diagnose or t

  • Intuitive Knowing

    30/11/2021 Duration: 21min

    You can easily tap into your inner guidance system to find answers... Sometimes we get too caught up in our own minds and overly concerned with outside influences  This may block our ability to hear our own innate wisdom and keep us from staying in alignment with our highest self A spiritual connection isn't always religious, but either way it can help you connect to your inner voice You can access this by sitting in a quiet space and taking a few deep breaths while listening for what comes in This can be very helpful when trying to make important decisions or when feeling your way through a situation Our "gut" is always trying to tell us something, but whether we listen to it or not is up to us Tapping into your inner guidance system is very important so please watch the video to learn how and why For weekly wellbeing readings and intuitive guidance training, please join my Monthly Membership. If you missed a live session, you'll be able to access the replay in your member page portal. You can join monthl

  • Your Body Your Health

    08/10/2021 Duration: 22min

    It's your responsibility to take care of your own health, not someone else's,...  No other person can get inside of your body and take care of it for you Telling someone else that they're in charge of your health is irresponsible Helping someone make healthier choices is good, but don't try to force or coerce them Putting your health solely in the hands of others takes away your power and sovereignty Another person cannot make you do healthier things or be held responsible for your health Listen to your own inner voice and guidance and don't hold others responsible It is detrimental when others try to make someone do something that could harm them Each person has control of what they put in their body and you must begin within yours If I put not so good things in my body, I have no right to tell another what to put in theirs Protect yourself as you see fit, but try to refrain from telling others they have to do the same If you do things that "protect" you then you don't need to worry about everyone else, rig

  • Lying Affects Wellbeing

    04/09/2021 Duration: 24min

    Lying can affect the wellbeing of individuals and society in many ways... Every little lie can add up and perpetuate more lies which can erode our existence We lie for many different reasons - Watch the video for my top 15 reasons for lying Lying appears to be deeply ingrained into human nature and widely accepted We've all lied at one time or another, but some people do it all the time Even a so called "white lie" can do harm to us, our relationships and our society Watch the video for the 3 part definition of a "white lie" and how it's harmful to our wellbeing Politicians and News outlets tell us lies all the time so please do your own research When we lie in conversations with others, we can erode trust in relationships Use your innate guidance system and investigate all that you hear on TV Lying instead of saying "in my opinion" or "I don't know" can cause major issues in society View the video below to find out more about how lying affects our wellbeing Join my weekly Wellbeing Wellness Wisdom Circle

  • Shame On You Or Me

    19/06/2021 Duration: 21min

    Shame on YOU or on ME? When you shame others, you may shame yourself instead...  Shaming others can bring shame on you and is most likely stemming from your own judgement Shame is a very low, negative energy and you can feel it when someone directs it towards you When you shame someone, it is your insecurity & fear expressed to others in a manipulative way Human nature often uses shame and guilt to persuade people to do what they want them to do If someone says "shame on you", it can make you feel defensive as you feel the energetic "hit" There are ways to calmly deflect and avoid taking on another's shame (watch the video for more) Look inside yourself to see if you have guilt around the subject you're being "shamed" for There's no need to shame someone or shut someone out for their opinion or expressions Shutting down another person by shaming them chokes off flow and positive energy Putting shame on someone for something can backfire and boomerang back on you Be more open to different viewpoints and allow

  • Awaken and Be Well

    14/05/2021 Duration: 25min

    Awaken and Be Well Here are just a few takeaways from my awaken be well video...  After leading a mostly normal life, we awakened to a year called 2020... Wellness coaches began to take on many of the difficult topics of 2020 I even awakened to a few things and spoke about them in my videos. We all awaken at different times and may not want to believe what we see. Always be sure to do your own research and look at all sides of the story. Open your mind and expand your knowledge so you can grow. Look at your emotions and the way you feel to work through fear and frustration. Consider others opinions and learn to have inquisitive conversations. Stay calm and try to be understanding with others to prevent anger and lashing out. There's a little bit of truth in everything so be open to beliefs beyond your own. Never stand so firm in your convictions that you cut off your own flow. Awaken at your own pace and never assume yours is the only truth! For the actual steps and more details, please watch or just listen

  • Chemicals And You

    07/04/2021 Duration: 25min

    Chemicals And You Chemicals are very difficult to avoid, but the following can help...  Work to detox every week to keep your systems working well and Ph balanced Everything, including your body, is a system and must be treated as such Companies will never stop polluting until they can make money with alternatives Eat as clean as possible and drink lemon water daily to improve overall health Some pharmaceutical companies have roots in oil & chemical companies Chemicals in food, air and water can accumulate and overload the body Movement helps your body get rid of toxins and keeps you limber Feeling ill or like you're coming down with something can signal that you need to detox Keeping chemicals out of the body is best so choose what you put into it carefully Hear my story about when, how and why I gave up coffee in the video Stay in balance and keep the chemicals on the outside as much as possible To learn more about wellness and wellbeing, please join my Monthly Membership with weekly group coaching calls.

  • Health Freedom

    06/03/2021 Duration: 33min

    Health Freedom  We must preserve the right to choose what we put into our body...  This video is not meant to diagnose or treat or cure any illness, condition or other disorder There are state and federal bills being introduced that will affect your health and freedoms Health laws aren't always good and some of them are not created for the good of the patient What if you were asked to eat or take something you're allergic to? What if it could harm you? Picture somebody mandating that you take the very thing that could harm you or even kill you! We have rights and are supposed to be protected by HIPPA, Informed Consent and other laws Take a look at the NVIC website to see what health bills are being considered in your state or city Don't just take the word of "experts" on TV about any medical procedure or remedy. Research it. All humans should retain the right to refuse medical treatments, especially if they can harm them We must oppose bills that would negate exemptions and fight to retain our health freedom

  • Testing and Retesting

    12/02/2021 Duration: 35min

    Test and Retest It's very important to retake health tests and question their accuracy... This video is not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any health condition, disease or disorder It's always best to get tested more than once when trying to pinpoint an illness in the body You can ask your doctors for additional bloodwork and tests they may not even mention to you If your doc won't run bloodwork for things you want, you can use a private company for them Your insurance will cover follow-up testing in as little as 30 days when monitoring certain issues Listen to the video for my story on how my bloodwork results showed big swings and patterns Once-a-Year blood tests are not enough to diagnose medical issues or determine protocols Get your tests done by a reputable Co/Dr who handles it properly in a controlled environment All tests, including the current C19 testing can be "off" due to poor handling and calibrations You may want to ask questions about the tests, their accuracy and how they actually work  A s

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